Let's explore new green lifestyle to reduce carbon footprint

green plant
green plant

Climate change, global warming, nature pollution are caused by massive greenhouse gasses (GHG), particularly CO2 emissions since industrial revolution began. Although so much International resolution, government until city regulation released for saving planet by adopting go green business & lifestyle to reduce carbon footprint, we still need real action so it’s not only jargon or status in social media.

We need platform and movement that collaborate with all kind of activities like; green energy, waste treatment, food sustainability, join force with them by sharing our ideas, time, people, and budget, together will solve more problems and issues related saves planet, reduce carbon footprint. So that's why GreenX idea came as solution.

GreenX is a platform for triggering people and organization for more caring with environment by reducing carbon footprint. GreenX is appendix for great action to reduce carbon footprints, let’s explore!

GreenX combines technology and sustainability to drive positive change by reducing carbon footprint. We also specialize in ESG as innovative solutions for a greener future.

Our Approach

At GreenX, we are committed to creating a positive impact on the environment, society, and governance. Through our expertise in the IT sector & community development integrate with ESG principles, we strive to promote sustainability and social responsibility in all aspects of our business operations.

We have simple method but will be impactful at scale by combining green scoring & social scoring inside unique gamification within our platform. By connecting every stakeholders into green ecosystem, our action will speak loudly, start from Indonesia to the world.

Our Services

As platform where tech meet nature, we have several service types:

Green-Life: Explore new green life, we will guide and give some useful suggestion how better life started get up until go to bed, by this service, our user will find green point and green ecosystem they can connect related daily activities.

Green-Food: you are what you eat, we understand that quality of life depends on what food we consume, that's why we provide green food as our primary services to adopt new green lifestyle.

Green-Transportation: modern life require high mobility, and transportation sector is one of high contributor in carbon emission. So we provide this services to spread awareness how green mobility has growth advance lately, our users will find many option how the can take transportation that suitable and affordable.

Green-Energy: Nowadays, we consume more energy that last decade, particularly after digital era. So, we need not only alternative green energy but better energy mixed for reducing carbon emissions, if we support this part at scale we believe one day green energy can replace fossils fuel based energy completely.

About Greenx

GreenX is a platform for triggering people and organization for more caring with environment by reducing carbon footprint. GreenX is appendix for great action to reduce carbon footprints, let’s explore!

GreenX as an apps will be Hub to promote and connecting various business that concern with go green by bridging them with customer that has same concern too. GreenX also as movement and platform that collaborate with all kind of social movement likes; green energy, waste treatment, food sustainability, etc.

We will join force with them by share ideas, time, people, and budget, together will solve more problems and issues related save planet, reduce carbon footprint at scale by collaboration. We hope by promoting personal carbon footprint will trigger corporate, government, and organization to do the same making snowball effect. Our small action will be new big wave to green change.

Start small things daily |Explore new green lifestyle | Be part of global movement to reduce carbon footprint

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